Monday, August 29, 2011

Culture Street and Food Street

July 18, 2011
Sorry that i didn't get to post yesterday! The trip has gotten extremely better from the first day! (I didn't show it in the first blog post, but the first day absolutely sucked! It was culture shock and everybody was cranky from our 52 hour day filled with flights and buses. We would all see one tiny thing that didn't fit our fancy and we would flip. And when everyone around you is complaining it just makes life even more annoying. i mean imagine it! Your on the other side of the world with 26 kids you don't know and they're all complaining) I think everyone has just been forced to get used to it so now we don't even notice it. Like the weird shower! Yesterday after lunch we traveled to ancient culture street and food street. Both were very cool. Ancient culture street was like a long street lined with shops, and food street is like an indoor food market. There's groups here from Cleveland, New York, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky. I played soccer last night with 4 other people (1 OH, 2 NY, and 1 KY) Everyone is so nice, and we all get along so well. When you're thrown into a foreign country and the only people you have to rely on are each other, its surprising how close everyone becomes.

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